Over the weekend teams came from all over New Zealand to compete at the National Touch Championship at Nga Puna Wai in Christchurch.
We would like to say a huge thank you to the Coaches, Managers and Players who represented Otago over the weekend.
Otago Open Mixed - 3rd place
Otago Open Women - 6th place
Otago Open Men - 10th place
Otago 45s - 5th place
Article added: Monday 19 April 2021
Jarrod Powell
Operations Manager
E: jarrod@otagotouch.co.nz
M: 027 278 6890
Tracy Fleet
E: admin@otagotouch.co.nz
M: 021 818 480
Kate Thompson
E: competitions@otagotouch.co.nz
M: 027 532 2131
Sargood Sports House:
40 Logan Park Drive, DUNEDIN 9016
Postal Address:
PO Box 969, DUNEDIN 9054