Columba College Excel in Maiden Victory

in 2009 I had a vision that Otago would have a Secondary School Girls touch team having success at the NZSS, joining regular attendees Kings High and Kaikorai Valley College.  Success mustn't always be measured on the score board, but fast forward to 9 December 2018 and the journey is complete.

Columba College were excellent in their semi final and grand final demolition of Hamilton Girls and St Kentigern College respectively.  Both victories ended in 7-4 results; the semi featured Liv Fowler and Meg Sycamore combining in dynamic plant-scoop fashion with devastating effect, while the final resembled a speed masterclass from tournament MVP McKayler Moore. Sure it is easy to identify talented individuals, but Columba was an exceptional team with sixteen players all performing their role to the best of their ability.

As the picture illustrates a campaign such as NZSS relies on the contribution and support of so many people. Columba must have had the greatest supporting contingent in 2018, much like all the touch teams representing the Otago province in various national tournaments.  Dayna and PJ Turnbull is a daughter-father coaching duo achieving outstanding results in touch. Between them they have coached Otago Under 18 girls to six South Island titles, and now have two SISS titles and an NZSS title in the bank.

Columba College joined St Hilda's Collegiate in attending NZSS in December 2013. Having two high acheiving schools preparing for the NZSS has been siginificant in the quick ascension to the NZSS title.  I think back to the contributions of many at Columba College; coach Rebecca Todd laid a great foundation for success in the early days, and Alena Wafer has been there every step of the way. Having a teacher of Alena's quality dedicating so many years to the sport has provided the stability required to reach the apex.  Grace Carruthers, Phoebe Steele must be mentioned when we consider the foundation setters for the 2018 NZSS Champions. Every player that has helped the dove to soar since 2011 can be very proud of the part they have played in making dreams come true.

NZSS Reflection, by Grant Milne

Article added: Monday 17 December 2018


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